Monday, April 6, 2009

The Art of Being Single

The Art of Contentment
For most of us, being single will be more of a phase than a final destination. This is the best place to practice the art of contentment. Someday, I’m sure most of us will fall in love and get married. But the thing is, love will always be tested. Someone more handsome,beautiful, more charming, richer, funnier, sweeter would come along. If you have not practiced the art of contentment as a single person, chances are you would be tempted to want that and not cherish your chosen one. Practicing the Art of Contentment as a single person means that you take what life gives you, good or bad, you’re willing to see it through. It means you don’t walk away every time things get tough because it builds in you patience, perseverance, understanding and a hundred different virtues that people in a hurry will never have. Being single means you would find how it feels to be alone thus, allowing you to cherish every moment you spend with your chosen one. The art of contentment means you wouldn’t mind if life had to make you wait for so long to find the love of your life, because you know that the waiting would only make the finding much sweeter.

A Time to Know Yourself Better
Being single is a time of your life when you can get to know yourself better. You can pursue different interest and passions without having to ask another person’s approval. It is a phase when you can keep focus on other things, discover your potentials and talents, and see yourself become more than what you expect to be. Allow yourself to surprise you. Stop wasting precious energy trying to figure out why you’re still romantically unattached. It’s all in the mind. Take the time to go see your friends, spend time with your family, do charity work and you will realize that you are not, and never for one moment, was alone. Try to get to know yourself first before you try to get to know other people. To be truly loved means to be known and accepted for who you are. How do you expect other people to know you and to love you, when you don’t know who and what you really are?

A Choice Between Good and Best
Sometimes the dilemmas we face are not between what is absolutely bad and absolutely good. Sometimes, it’s between good and best. Treat this stage of your life as a phase to evaluate who is good for you and who is best for you. Sometimes, you won’t hear music, or feel magic to know who’s best for you. The heart just knows and it doesn’t need any romantically charged scenario to decide on the matter. Trust in your heart, and trust that time will eventually lead you to, not to the perfect partner, but to the most suitable partner for you. Being single is a phase of life that we need to be thankful for, because being single means our hearts have yet to choose the best one for us.

Take Your Time, The World Will Wait
Being married doesn’t guarantee that it will make your life happy. It doesn’t guarantee anything at all. Sometimes, it only brings two miserable people together only to make their life even more miserable. Without the right intention, the emotional maturity, financial security and of course, unwavering love, you’re better off unattached.

Living Life
Don’t put your life on hold for Mr. and Mrs. Right but don’t let it waste away with Mr.or Mrs. Wrong. Life is about things that you do and happen to you everyday. It’s not about the things that could have happened but never did, or things that you think would happen in the future. Live life now. Live it to the fullest and stop beating yourself up, trying to be perfect on a Saturday night date. Allow life to surprise you with it’s most wonderful blessings.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Resolution

So spring quarter officially starts tomorrow. Though I'm a bit afraid of what lies ahead of me, all I can do is view this fear as an opportunity. These past months, I've been blessed with all these hindrances and 'spirit-crushers'; I have never felt so put down in my life. To be able to follow through, put up with the BS, and forget these worries, I can honestly say it's a good feeling. However, there's always that small thing that gets you and sometimes you can't get over it. Hopefully, I can sort out these problems more effectively and not have to worry and be carefree. Course being carefree per se is a total different connotation from being careless. Let's just hope I don't fall under the careless category these next 3 months.

Some things I'd like to update and talk about: my expectations. I know I have talked about how much of a failure and fuck-up I was and because of this change is the only solution to this problem of mine. I know I have to be the change I want to see but is this just another excuse for me to really Or better yet, worry? I seriously hope this isn't another hoax, conspiracy, or even facade! Sigh* Just do it and everything will be fine, right? Some of the things I'd like to see these upcoming months: 1) End procrastination 2) Better time management 3) BUDGET! 4) Study my ASS off (ok I'll admit, I didn't do as much last quarter but this time it'll be a different story) 4) shoot for straight A's (despite how much of a BS next quarter is) 5) get a job (or go back to reffing as last resort) 6) Pay off debts (I owe so many people money and apologize for the inconvenience!) 7) Sleep 7-8hrs consistently. 8) Meditate & workout 9) Master Prioritization (THIS, is a must).

I have to admit, last quarter I had it good when it came down to my financial situation. Now, everything just sizzled and I am a broke fucker. No, seriously, I have absolutely no money at all. I can't let this fiscal crisis be a burden and stress me out. I believe that everything will find it's way. Like love, money will come. The mantra for these upcoming weeks and maybe months: don't worry, be happy.

Furthermore, I want to express my apologies to the team for my lack of commitment for this upcoming month. They know my current situation right now and there are some things I'd like to prioritize first before diving head first into practices. Also, I want express my gratitude to the people I have met thus far in this team. I wrote a little excerpt for this website and I hope you guys can see where I'm coming from on this one:
"Blood, sweat, and tears; the constant drama, bitter bickering, and endless fights. In lieu this may all seem as if we were in some soap opera but it's what my teammate and I undergo every time something goes awry. Through this we have learned from each other, grown on one another, and matured all together. Today, we have overcome our biggest feats yet succeeding consistently in a regional league. Because of our hardships, we realize the true potential in not only each individuals, but as a collective group. We strive to perform and represent what's best: our pride, respect, camaraderie, sponsors, and more importantly our community. To be able to shed insight on those who have little to no knowledge of what it is like being in a team. This is Paintball: the reason why our brotherhood has become the victim of its own success."

Yesterday, we had our practice since the last tournament (which was 3 weeks ago) and when we played together I can see the fluidity in our team. We played off each-other, communicated, and played like an actual team. It was truly an inspirational scene and moment. To see us at our brightest moments we can only shine some more in the future. Textbook and gumption gentlemen--right here right now. Love you bitches. No homo.

I should really sleep now, I have to wake up at 6 in the morning from now on every monday and wednesday for chem. Crappy thing is I have calc at 6pm so it'll be a rather long hefty day. But Ghandi once said, "patience is self-suffering." So a little bit of enduring and patience and things will be fine in the end. Everything is ok in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end, right?

Remember to treat opportunities as not a burden but rather a time to see change. You want good? Then expect good. You want results? Then seek results. You want respect? Then earn respect. Half-ass will not suffice until you've reached the endpoint.

The most philosophical and longest blog to date. I hope I can look back at this when in times of doubt or whatever the situation may be and tell myself, "hey, everything is ok, you're better than this."