Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Message

I've been super lagging on my posts and blog. There's been couple of things that has been happening lately. I'll be sure to update whenever I have the time.

But there's something I just want to say in today's blog:
FCUK YOU. BAGH hjdashdkajdjashaldjasdjkajd
It's one of those you know "moments" type of things. Okay, end story and goodbye.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hurry Up & Wait

I didn't know about this band till just recently and let me tell you what, they're awesome.
Making April is their name. They've successfully implemented the use of the piano, guitar, cello, and violin to produce a rather harmonious and dramatic sonata. It is an envy of all bands. Subtle by nature yet captivating to one's ears, their melodic tunes and beats will have you swinging your head left and right. Not only their songs is like a symphony but their lyrics are also what makes it the 'complete' package. Packed with a plethora of symbolism, metaphors, and the cliched love story forces its listener to second think about what they are singing about. Making April does a hell of a job of being part of something unique as to a conventional band.

A song that had held dearly to my heart is, "Hurry Up and Wait." It's exactly what I've felt, feel, and will feel.:

I've been told to remember
Keep your lemur eyes wide
Someday you'll make a life of this
So carry on, carry on
But I've become so offense-less
Despite these weapons i bear
Have we toned up our finest
Or did we take this

Too Far down
The road you know I'm scared to go down
I'm waking up anxious to lay back down
'Cause all i can do here is wait
Just wait, I'll hurry up and wait

Well i can't read her expression
'Cause man this vixen she's sly
As she keeps me suspended
I've lost all control of this flight

We've ravaged our chances to shine
Would you take what I'm giving to you or did i take this
Did we take this

Too far down
The road you know I'm scared to go down
I'm waking up anxious to lay back down
'Cause all i can do here is wait, just you wait

So have it your way
I know you'll be watching with gallant eyes
As we shake the wreckage
And break from these hauntingly silent niights
Break from these silent nights
Will this take forever?
We might have a shot if we'd stray
But what's another day

Of hurry up and wait
Hurry up and wait
Hurry up and wait
It's all that you can do now

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


They are the genuine diamonds of this earth. Although abundant and precious by virtue, there are only so many pure ones. Moreover, these so happen to be the rarest of them all. Yes, they are the most valuable assets of our lives--a prized possession. These things aren't suppose to be use at our disposal but rather kept. They're not something that can be looked down on nor could it ever be replaceable. It deserves the attentiaon it needs not want.

You see there are many people that I have met throughout my entire life. Many come and go and many stays. Those who have stood by me are the ones that I greatly appreciate and value. Because quite frankly, they're usually the hardest ones to come by. And there are those who may have been there but just have slowly drifted away. I'm talking about the gems where you know you just toss in the drawers and don't even wear or carry around anymore. There is something superficial about them.

I'm truly grateful for everyone that I have met and kept. To those I have neglected and simply thrown away, I'm sorry. If there was only someway to fabricate the worth of these things. Ultimately, their actual worth does not amount to their real price.

And then there's the really special one. Can you only hope that you are something of value to her, something that's not easily tossed away.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

'The' Update: 17 January 2009

Oh dear, I am SOOO fucking lazy to finish all the posts I have written thus far. It's a hefty process. I have a general idea about what I want to write about including stuff over this past week. But I've been so dawdling-like this past week. Blagh. So much on the plate.
Also, the aim thing, shit's not going anywhere right now haha. I do not know what I would do without my aim. It is a selfish act on my part and I was not in the right state of mind to begin with. Who knows, I may just cease the use of aim afterall...

On another note, it was the second time I've come out to practice and play paintball with my new team and buddies; it was truly sensational. It has been a two-three month hiatus ever since my summer tournament. I totally refrained from playing after our disappointing lost. The journey in itself, however, was something I would never forget because at the of the end we were all kids playing for the common cause: the passion and thrill for paintball. It wasn't a matter of what but rather why. Shortly weeks after the event I find myself not working for the park anymore, didn't play paintball at all (ok I lie ONCE) and focused on school (too bad I 'kinda' slacked) and taking care of my mom. The light was blown away; the passion and thrill vanished. And I made my acclaimed commitment once again. To suddenly step back into this so call, "world," of mine, that was when I knew. It was this epiphany that hit me. I've come to realize paintball beyond any doubt is my scene, the place where I belong. Ever had a feeling where you've missed something, someone, for so long? Well, I think I'm missing paintball. Tis' the time to rekindle what I have missed out on for the longest time.

Today straight up was by far one of my defining inspirational days. I am finally playing again; my friend Erick makes his 6th comeback; we had some team drama; everyone ended up gelling; people were very agg (term to be discussed in the future- Note: I will use this term very often); pictures were taken left and right (yes we paintballers are metro-sexually self-conscious about ourselves; and an epic ass dinner at gilroy's in & out with buncha 16 year olds and teeny boppers. I had a ferraking number 1 Double-Double with another hamburger. OH yeah, Grilled Onions <3

Gah! why is there so much to say about paintball. I'll continue writing about other sub topics about it some day.

We have a tournament in Hollister at our home field, USPN next Sunday, 25. If anyone even care, your support or presence there would make the biggest difference ^__^;
End Rant/ I have a lot of freaking blogs to keep track of and finish. Hang in there. =]
On the meanwhile, stay safe, enjoy life, and have some fun.

p.s. Special and huge thanks to everyone out at the field today. Erick especially who not only is hooking up with some professional photography but has also helped me financially today throughout. Nigguh I love you, bromance all the way. <3


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dream Log

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

AIM dilemma

I think I will extend the use of AIM till next week when everything settles in. By that I mean my school work, sorting out this financial crisis I'm in, stabilizing my emotions that's been on constant flux, and lastly the other blogs I'm working on =]. I suppose it's always a good thing to have couple of posts as to just one? I'm actually excited about this blog being launched soon. And quite frankly there's just so much I have to say...

On the other hand, there are also constant questions regarding about why I'm abolishing this aim from the face of my life. Well, not entirely...I guess we'll find out soon. Can you live life as is without your aim?

Many more to come, and then some.


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